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    Association with MSA

    How did you hear or learn about this conference? Check all that apply.

    Is this your first time attending an MSA NJ Conference?

    Facility and Venue


    Scheduling and Timing

    Registration Process

    Refreshments (Food and Beverages)


    Lodging Accommodations


    Living with MSA

    The Road to Diagnosis and Treatment

    Daily Living, Practical Strategies and Rehab - Overall Satisfaction

    Physical Therapy

    Rehabilitation Technology

    Trials, Research and You

    Navigation the World of Disability

    Kick Back and Relax

    Overall, rate your satisfaction with time for Q and A

    Which session(s) did you find most relevant?

    What topics would you like to see covered in future conferences?

    Would you recommend this conference to others?

    Are you interested in attending next year's conference?

    Comments and Suggestions