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    We appreciate your feedback so we can best meet your needs.

    Association with MSA

    How did you hear or learn about this conference?

    Is this your first time attending an MSA NJ Conference?

    How satisfied were you with the overall conference?

    Please indicate your overall satisfaction regarding
    Scheduling and Timing
    Registration Process
    Refreshments (Food/Beverages)

    Please rate the following sessions
    Improvisation Therapy – Using Improve to Positively Improve Quality of Life
    MSA – An Overview of Symptoms, Treatment, and Clinical Trials
    Caring, Coping, and Planning – Practical and Personal Support for Living with MSA
    Inspirations: Patient Stories – Living Life to the Fullest in the Face of Adversity
    Doctor, I'm Dizzy - Understanding Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension (nOH)
    Kick Back & Relax

    Overall, rate your satisfaction with time for Q & A

    Which session(s) did you find most relevant?

    What topics would you like to see covered in future conferences?

    As a result of attending this conference, do you feel you’ve gained relevant knowledge about MSA and available resources?

    As a result of attending this conference, do you feel you have more support and are part of a community?

    Would you recommend this conference to others?

    Are you interested in attending this conference next year?

    Comments / Suggestions