2016 MSA NJ Conference Videos
Clinical features, diagnosis, and the functional changes associated with MSA
Management of MSA

Clinical features, diagnosis, and the functional changes associated with MSA

Management of MSA
Physician Q & A
Practical Methods to Improve Everyday Life

Physician Q & A

Practical Methods to Improve Everyday Life
About the Global MSA Registry

About the Global MSA Registry (GLOMSAR)
Support Care and Planning Panel: A Pragmatic & Personal Discussion of Life with MSA

Support Care and Planning Panel: A Pragmatic & Personal Discussion of Life with MSA
Other MSA NJ Webinar Series
MSA NJ is pleased to provide this valuable information as presented by professionals in their fields. However, it is not intended to replace your medical treatment. Please speak to your own physicians about any information you gained in viewing these presentations.
2016 MSA NJ Conference Program
MSA NJ is a completely volunteer organization. We rely on donations to support our efforts, such as this conference. If you would like to support our work, please consider a donation. Any amount, no matter how small helps. Thank you.
Click here to make a donation online.
Dr. Amy Colcher
Movement Disorders Center
Cooper Medical Center
Camden, New Jersey
Dr. Roger Kurlan
Movement Disorders
Overlook Medical Center
Summit, New Jersey
Presentation Summary
An Overview – Symptoms, Diagnosis,& Management
Featured Speakers
Amy Colcher, MD – Director, Movement Disorders
Cooper University Health Care
Dr. Colcher will address clinical features, diagnosis, and the functional changes associated with MSA.
Roger Kurlan, MD – Director, Movement Disorders
Atlantic Neuroscience Institute
Dr. Kurlan will speak about general principles and the many facets of disease management.
Practical Methods to Improve Everyday Life
Featured Presenter
Joellyn Fox, DPT - Lead Therapist
Dan Aaron Parkinson's Rehab Center
University of Pennsylvania Hospital
Dr. Fox will present practical techniques for living with the physical limitations of this disease as well as recommendations for finding appropriate therapy.
About the Global MSA Registry (GLOMSAR)
Featured Presenter
Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann, Ph.D
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology
Neuroscience Institute
New York University School of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center
Dr. Norcliffe-Kaufmann will speak about why we need a registry, how the registry can benefit people with MSA, and plans for the future of GLOMSAR.
Support Care and Planning Panel: A Pragmatic & Personal Discussion of Life with MSA
Ronald Roemer – MSA NJ
Patricia Kaba-Ambrose – Hospice Nurse
Holy Redeemer Hospice – Ocean County Clinical Supervisor
New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Partner
Ms. Kaba-Ambrose will discuss considerations in arranging hospice care, and explain what is provided. She will also speak about general home care services.
Cyndi Roemer & Kym Roemer – Patient Caregivers& MSA NJ Co-founders
Strategies for long-term home care, and practical advice for living with MSA, including keeping the joy in daily life is shared from a family who travelled this path.
Larry Kellerman – Patient Caregiver & MSA Coalition Board of Directors
Mr. Kellerman will share his story as a caregiver and MSA advocate.
MSA Business: Updates on the Work of MSA Charities
Larry Kellerman – MSA Coalition Board of Directors
Dr. Kellerman will report on the progress of the MSA Coalition efforts such as research grants, awareness activities, and the upcoming national conference in the Fall.
Cyndi Roemer – MSA NJ President
Dr. Roemer will provide an overview of MSA NJ services and progress since its inception several years ago.
Patient & Caregiver Open Discussion/Support Group
Attendees will be giving the opportunity to debrief and share personal experiences.
A variety of support information and staff will be available, from speech and swallowing therapies to advancements in urinary issues, and resources for support groups and relevant support services, clinical trials, and businesses that can help with daily living needs.
Holy Redeemer Hospice & Home Care – Patricia Kaba-Ambrose
Lundbeck – Katharine Moser & Gary Espardinez
Shore Rehabilitation Institute – Joanne Smith
Vesiflo, Inc. – Terence Moore
And many thanks to the organizations and companies that provided informational brochures.